Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I have this incurable (well for awhile, anyway) disease that I have rightfully named STS or Sudden Tear Syndrome. This disease has just attacked me since I've had a bun in the oven. It will just catch me off guard for a variety of reasons. It can be a commercial, a song, a movie or even a t.v show. The worst shows are the ones like Grey's Anatomy where it gets intense or "tender" and the music changes to sound all sad. If Jeff suspects an "episode" of STS coming on, he'll just look over at me, and more often than not, I'm crying. We were at Jeff's Grandma's house yesterday, and she was talking about the day she was on her misson and found out that Kirstyn, Jeff's sister, died. I lost all control! I got up and had to vacuum her house so I'd stop crying. It was the saddest story I've ever heard! So, watch out all you pregnant women! You may be the next victim of STS! On a positive should be gone after 9 months or so! :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What a wonderful husband!

For Mother's Day this year, Jeff gave me my first present. In years past, we've gotten cards for each other, but we call it Wife's Day and Husband's Day. Now that we're pregnant, Jeff got me a present. I was not expecting it, and it was such a wonderful surprise. He gave me this Willow Tree angel. It's called Cherish: Awaiting a miracle. I love my husband, and I could never ask for a better companion. Thanks for the gift, Babe! I love you!

Now I've just got to figure out what to get him for Father's Day. Does anyone have any good ideas?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Baby's first photos!

I know I am way behind, but here are the first photos of our little one. I was barely 5 weeks (we thought I was 8 weeks) prego with the first picture. We had a couple of issues at first, and this is just the solidification saying yes, we were pregnant, and oh, there's only 1 baby! Woo Hoo!

They had us come back 2 weeks later to see if the baby was alive or not, and sure enough, there was a viable baby with a strong heart beat. It was such a relief to know nothing was wrong. Now, here we are 15 weeks pregnant and the baby is now about 4 inches long. It's amazing how much they grow from week to week. Here we went from a small blob to a bean. Crazy, huh? We're excited to find out what we're having at the end of June.